President’s Places: President Hampton Attends 3rd Annual ACS Entrepreneurial Summit
President Hampton attended the 3rd Annual ACS Entrepreneurial Summit on September 17th & 18th. During this event, 196 attendees gained a greater understanding of how to translate chemistry ideas into successful technologies, products, and services. Attendees came from a diverse array of backgrounds, including the research, corporate, entrepreneurial, investment, government, and nonprofit communities.
ACS Divisions & Collaborative Organizations Spotlight
On Day 2, following a networking lunch sponsored by the New Jersey Innovation Institute, attendees heard from representatives of various ACS divisions and outside organizations that offer resources and assistance to chemistry entrepreneurs during the ACS Divisions & Collaborative Organizations panel discussion

The panelists included:

Gianna Arnold, ACS Mid Atlantic Regional Meeting
Krista E. Bianco, chair of ACS’s Chemistry & the Law Division
Dan Daly, former chair of ACS’s Business Development & Management Division
Talitha Hampton, president of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers
Douglas Hausner, chair of the Younger Chemists Committee

President Hampton discussed NOBCChE and the NOBCChE Young Entrepreneurs Pilot Program and how community service can be a key enabler of business success. If you would like to learn more about this program, visit To learn more about the ACS summit, visit the summit webpage to check out highlights, images, a report of activities and key takeaways, program materials.