Thank you for your interest in NOBCChE. For over 40 years NOBCChE has been dedicated to building an eminent cadre of people of color in STEM. As an organization, we are committed to advancing the careers of our members and growing the communities that we serve. NOBCChE is of tremendous value to present and future leaders of color who are making significant contributions to STEM and the business STEM enables.
This is an exciting time to be a part of the NOBCChE Family. Whether you are a prospective member, student, professional, “NOBCChE-Alumni”, friend, or interested party, I hope you will take the opportunity to visit our website, engage with us on social media, talk to our members, attend our annual conference and discover the NOBCChE spirit for yourself.
Talitha Hampton
President, NOBCChE

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The NOBCChE strategy will drive our thinking and our actions in the years ahead as we strive to transform this NOBCChE into a high performing technical organization.
Board of Directors
The NOBCChE Executive Board is responsible to the organization and is made up of Adminstrative, Executive, and Regional Directors and one student member.
NOBCChE Presidents
For over 42 years, talented, dedicated, and passionate professionals from industry, academia, and government have volunteered their time to lead the organization.
Notable Happenings
Member Office Hours
The President's Corner
Latest Tweets
President Hampton is committed to an open door policy and will schedule office hours for all members. These designated meeting times provide an opportunity for NOBCChE members to engage with President Hampton about their insights and suggestions toward the betterment of NOBCChE and the NOBCChE community. If you are interested in a meeting, use the link below to make an appointment.